

( Unexpired 2 Year Term )

The Right Choice For Our Students & Community

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Thomas Keeling
The Right Choice For Our Students & Community

Committed to Our Students:

  • HSA Cultural Arts Co-Chair
  • Parents Advocacy Council for Special Services (PACSS) Co-Chair
  • Regular School Board Attendee

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” – Martin Luther King

 Committed to Our Students:

Committed to providing all students with the highest quality education in a nurturing environment serving as a foundation for life-long learning. Committed to doing this in a fiscally responsible way.

Upon the subject of education … I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in”.– Abraham Lincoln

Committed  Advocate for Celebrating Diversity and Embracing Inclusivity

  • HSA Cultural Arts Co-Chair
  • Parents Advocacy Council for Special Services (PACSS) Co-Chair
  • Founding Member of Keeling-Puri Peace Plaza

We will all profit from a more diverse, inclusive society, understanding, accommodating, even celebrating our differences, while pulling together for the common good”.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Thomas Keeling – Endorsed by the Observer Tribune for Mendham Township BOE

Just in from the Observer Tribune. The Observer Tribune endorsed me for the Mendham Township Board of Education based on my commitment to “educating and caring for the complete child”. I would like to thank the Observer Tribune for their endorsement.


EDIT: Dubeck, Dumovic, Keeling for Mendham Twp. Board of Ed

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It takes a steady head and calm nerves to navigate a pandemic and juggle resources while trying to provide the best education for our children. That certainly has been the case in Mendham Township – as with everywhere curricula were questioned, reopenings pondered, and everyone wondered when the next shoe would drop.

The good news is that schools are open, life goes on, and children can once again mingle and learn together thanks to cooler heads that prevailed throughout the pandemic crisis.

Putting all those plays into motion, like we said, can’t be done without a steady head and calm nerves. Well, make that nerves of steel. Those are requirements that are sometimes hard to come by in one person, let alone five. But that is what we heard and saw from all five candidates vying for three seats on the Mendham Township Board of Education.

There are two, three-year seats expiring on the dais this year, and there are three – yes three – candidates after those slots, all from various professions and walks of life but all having the commitment, the drive and yes the courage to step up and offer their services.

Meanwhile, two are seeking to fill the one unexpired term on the board. For them, we say ditto, ditto, ditto.

The full-term candidates include incumbent Peter Dumovic and residents Adam Dubeck and Jubin Pejman. Those seeking the one-year term are incumbent Richard Gondek and Thomas Keeling. That they are all of the same competent, caring and intelligent ilk makes this a tough call, since they can’t all sit on the board together. Not, at least, for this year.

But choose we must, so we are endorsing incumbent Dumovic and Dubeck for the full-term seats and Keeling for the unexpired term, all chosen for their commitment to educating and caring for the complete child.

That said, on Nov.2 , please vote for Peter Dumovic, Adam Dubeck and Thomas Keeling for the Mendham Township Board of Education.

Observer Tribune Endorsement